Pure Beauty - Beauty Therapist

“Wow, I can’t believe how amazing everything is”
— Karen, Beauty Therapist

The passion to enhance your natural beauty
I was so excited to work with Karen, a beauty therapist in Bozeat, that needed help to rediscover the true soul of her business. From the moment I spoke to Karen, I could feel her passion to empower her clients to feel good about themselves. I totally resonate with this, as this is how I feel about my own brand clients. The desire to help people be the best possible version of themselves, not what is expected of them.
Rebranding and changing the name of The Original Clean Company Beauty was needed to elevate Karen’s business to the next level. Beauty was added to the cleaning business, but didn’t get the focus and vision it deserved. Now that Karen has new ambitions of focusing purely on her beauty work, the brand needed a rethink.
Empowerment – Authentic – Natural
We had a great time discussing her ideas and brand values that were important to her, including using good quality products and natural organic ingredients, where possible. We knew that her beauty salon was more focused on offering a relaxed non-rushed approach with bespoke packages. Building other people’s confidence and enhancing their beauty in a natural style, rather than the fast paced high street salons creating a fake look. Being true to ourselves and showing our pure beauty is so important. After a brainstorming session, this is where the name Pure Beauty came.
After brand clarity was clear, the exciting part of the vision appeared into a peacock theme. I was researching into what a peacock symbolises and it said self-confidence, self-esteem, refinement, pride, beauty. Being proud and graceful. The beauty we can achieve when we show our true colours. This was so apt and in line with Karen’s brand values.
The feeling:
The feeling of the Pure Beauty brand has warm muted tones of peacock green, teal, turquoise, tan, nude and aubergine. Bringing an organic, natural and relaxed style. Timeless, elegant fonts and natural textures. Photography needs to evoke feeling, warm, natural and understated, empowering her clients to want a treatment, be pampered and feel good about themselves.
We will be doing a brand photoshoot soon, to really help tell Karen’s story and show Pure Beauty’s real soul.
Image sources upon request.