Resync Deliveries - Brand Clarity Consultation Testimonial
Recently I was approached by Helen from Resync Deliveries. An amazing inspiring lady who started her new business in February, providing an eco-friendly delivery service on bike to local residents. Resync Deliveries is driven by Helen’s passion for sustainability, reducing the carbon footprint, plastic use, food miles and impact of using parcel delivery and logistic companies. Especially during the pandemic this last year, there was an even bigger impact on small retailers losing business to online giants and supermarkets.
Although Helen was doing well setting up her business in February, she felt she was lacking a focus in her marketing to make it clear what she wanted to say and how to get to her goal. We had a Brand Clarity consultation, and I presented my vision and guidance a couple of weeks later. I helped clarify what her USP was / Helen’s magic, a breakdown of the customers and collaborations to focus on. Narrowed down the brand values that were most important and this all provided me with a vision for Helen’s branding going forward. It’s amazing how having clarity on your business and getting the right feeling can do wonders for your confidence and makes marketing so much easier.
Helen has now got focus, a new improved colour scheme and vision for Resync Deliveries and I was delighted to receive this testimonial: