Lesson 1: Let your business evolve

This may sound strange, but it really is important. Being self-employed, you must learn how to run a business right from the start, there isn’t a manual on how everyone should do it. We grow through our experiences dealing with customers, learn new skills, get to know when things aren’t right and need to change. It makes us stronger and able to get focused on what is important to us and our business.

As you may know I was a Senior Account Manager / designer in an advertising agency for 12 long years working with clients in retail, charity, homes & interiors, environment and beauty. My dream was to run my own design business. With all the stress of being at job and the love for my Springers, I also started a career in becoming a dog trainer, behaviourist, TTouch Practitioner, Canine Fitness Trainer alongside working.

So, when I decided to take the plunge and leave said advertising job, Springer Loaded Canine Fitness and Springer Loaded Creative was born. I had got a log cabin built in my garden and kit it out with dog training equipment. So, I was all ready for my first dog fitness client who started beginning of June 2017. Drum roll for the nervousness and excitement.

 This then progressed to offering 1-2-1 puppy training in my log cabin, together with TTouch and canine fitness when needed. I was hired to teach TTouch and Fitness workshops for dog training friends across the country.  Plus started offering dog photography to my clients which was a lot of fun.

 As I knew a lot of dog trainers and behaviourists across the country, this is where I started my design business. Specialising in the dog industry and I loved personalising the client’s logos so that they had their own dog custom designed, which really made their branding special to them.

 In 2019, my health took a slight hit and had an operation so had to halt dog training whilst recovering. It was also the year that I had to nurse my beloved dog, who sadly passed that year also. This was a life changing year. Whilst recovering from my operation, as well as doing client’s design work, I also found time for my own creative outlet and started drawing and photography.

I had a long think about it and realised that the excitement of doing dog training had gone and creativity (in whatever capacity) was where I needed to go moving forward. So, I stopped Springer Loaded Canine Fitness after 2 years running 1-2-1 training in my log cabin and focused on Springer Loaded Creative.

In 2020, I did a Surface Pattern design course which opened my eyes to more possibilities of selling my art, that floral inspired art was totally my thing and that I don’t need to just create for dog businesses. I sadly lost my other Springer, but also got my latest puppy, who’s nearly 2 now and it was certainly a total rollercoaster of emotions, as you can imagine.

I was really enjoying being out with my camera and found out about brand photography. This was amazing and fitted perfectly with my design business. I always have a passion for helping people and being able to offer a full service is special to me.

In 2021, I finally got to do one of The Brand Stylist’s courses, Elevate. This was the real turning point for my design business. It opened my eyes to how I can transform my business to where I want to be. The name Springer Loaded Creative wasn’t going to fit when wanting to change focus and work with artisan, wellbeing and rural small businesses. Using branding strategies like colour psychology, focusing on my brand values and what feeling I wanted, Hello Melody Branding was the new name and I really love it.

Looking back, I don’t regret the different routes I have been trying, they make up who I am and what my business is all about. Certainly, have learnt a lot of transferrable skills. It means I can resonate with my client’s setting up their own business and the feelings you go through, not knowing where to start, being brave to change when it is needed. I look forward to growing even more in the future. So, watch this space Hello Melody Branding.

Melody Todd

I’m a branding specialist in Northants, UK offering branding strategy, design and photography to artisan, wellbeing and rural small business entrepreneurs.


Lesson 2: Have Clarity on who you are and what you do


Celebrating 5 years self employed